The real time city — big data and smart urbanism?

For the past two decades urban analysts have been charting the evolution of cities during an era where information and communication technologies have been rapidly increasing. Wired cities are cities who have embraced this technology change and are using it to benefit their city, they are also labelled as cyber cities, digital cites. these cities fall under the category of smart cities, a term which describes cities in which smart devices are built into the fabric of the urban environment around it. These can be things like wireless technology, digitally controlled utility services and transport infrastructure etc. These smart cities have a rich stream of data that can be used to analyse people movements, popular places and more importantly be used to create a better Urban and Co lifestyle for the residents who live there. It can also be used to improve the delivery of public services and creating a more efficient city.

Smart cities are becoming increasingly common, with greater access to technology and cheaper prices, cities can now afford to make a switch to becoming a smart city. Big data is seen as providing objective, neutral measures that are free of political ideology as to what is occurring in a city. However, the enormous, varied, dynamic and interconnected datasets are vulnerable to a range of different issues, already taking place in areas such as Israel.

The data explosion that has occurred over the past decade, the role of Sydney Project Management in the production of such data, and how these data are being used to re-imagine and regulate the urban life are to be examined. In particular, the analysis concentrates on the new phenomena of ‘big data’ and the generation of enormous, varied, dynamic, and interconnected datasets that hold the promise of what some see as a truly smart city.


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